General sales terms and conditions
Sales conditions
The goods displayed in the LA FUCINA DEL VETRO, FONDAMENTA MANIN, 1 30141 VENEZIA - MURANO (ITALY) TEL. dalle 09.00 alle 20.00: 349 4749011 fax 0039 041 5275301 showcase are sold by this company. The general sales conditions are those established by the owner of the goods in the general sales conditions displayed on the website. It contains the following information: name and physical address of the supplier, contract scope, methods for finalizing the contract, payment, delivery, warranty, cancellation right and privacy terms. Any special conditions are given on the product description sheet attached to the individual item and are an essential supplement to a contract finalized with the owner of the item. Shopping cart. The products displayed in the LA FUCINA DEL VETRO,FONDAMENTA MANIN, 1 30141 VENEZIA - MURANO (ITALY) TEL. dalle 09.00 alle 20.00 : 349 4749011 fax 0039 041 5275301 showcase can be selected and included in the shopping cart using the "add" function. All the items you intend to buy by means of a transaction with the owner of the items are gathered in the shopping cart. These items are displayed, indicating for each product, the name, unit price and total price including taxes; at the end of the sheet the overall value of the purchase is given by adding the various products. It is possible to modify the contents of the shopping cart at any time by adding or removing one or more products, in this case the overall value of the transaction proposed to LA FUCINA DEL VETRO is automatically recalculated. Shipping costs will be added to the total according to the method selected when ordering from LA FUCINA DEL VETRO.
Order format
Once you have confirmed what you want to order and looked at the overall costs for the purchase, by accessing the "Order" form, you automatically access the La Fucina selling site. Here, once you have confirmed the information regarding privacy, confirmed the sales conditions, filled in all the obligatory information (marked with an *) on the order form, you can finalize the transaction. It is important to provide the La Fucina del Vetro seller with the exact personal information of the person making the payment, this data is also necessary for issuing and sending the invoice.
The prices applied for each sale are indicated in the exhibitor's catalogue, in force at the time of purchase. They remain unchanged until published differently in the site. The prices applied for each sale are indicated in the exhibitor's catalogue, in force at the time of purchase. They remain unchanged until published differently in the site. The prices do not include the transport costs nor any other extra charges not expressly indicated as being included in the catalogue or in the special conditions. The cost of any other additional charges, including transport according to the chosen method, will be indicated separately in each single Order Form. Payment must be performed by Paypal account or credit card by inserting the type, number and expiry date of the card where requested in the Order Form. The price of the goods will be charged by the company issuing the credit card once the term for exercising withdrawal established by article 5 of Decree Law 185/99 has elapsed: this will in any case take place within ten working days following delivery of the goods. Other method of payment is bank money transfer on requests. No claims will be accepted if not made within 8 days of receipt of goods. For any dispute the jurisdiction is that of Venice.
Delivery address
In order to deliver the order, the "address" space must contain the street, street number and flat number. If the address is different from that of the person making the payment or you need to provide additional information for the delivery, this information should be included in the "delivery address" space.
Order confirmation
Once you have entered the information in the order form and given consent for it to be processed, communicated and distributed as well as accepting the sales conditions, the order can be confirmed and the goods will be shipped within 30 days.